Open Source Coding 101: Behind the Buzzword


Even if you’re not into coding, you’ve probably heard the term “open source” coding before. It’s what runs artificial intelligence bots like ChatGPT and protects some of your favorite password management apps, like Bitwarden.

You may have heard these terms before because they have a lot to do with the security of the platforms that you favor. How developers build a website determines how sophisticated its cybersecurity and design is.

Open Versus Closed Source Coding

Open source coding is a powerful tool for developers and coders to create software and applications with ease. It is a type of software code that is made available to the public for use and modification, which allows for greater collaboration between coders, as well as increased flexibility in developing projects. Open source coding also allows for greater access to the latest technologies, making it easier for developers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in coding. With open source coding, coders can create more efficient and effective programs that are tailored to their needs. Open source coding also provides a platform where coders can collaborate with each other and share ideas, which helps them develop better applications faster.

Conversely, closed source code is not available to the public. This means that only the developers who created the code have access to it. Closed source coding has an advantage over intellectual property protection, because it allows software developers to exercise far more control over how their product or service runs. It also allows developers to customize their products and services without worrying about competitors copying or reverse-engineering their work. However closed source coding does come with many more security vulnerabilities.

What Makes Open Source Safer?

Why is it so important for developers to freely access, use, share and even edit source code? Think of it like this: Would you rather hire one architect to build your skyscraper, or gather a team of the greatest minds from around the world? We bet you’d trust your investment with an entourage of experts!

When tons of developers can contribute to the creation and improvement of source code, it revolutionizes the way we create and share software. Great minds think alike; but the greatest spur each other to reach new heights and keep improving. As an added bonus, open source code isn’t just the recipe for more advanced and secure programs. It also offers numerous advantages such as cost savings, faster development cycles, increased security and reliability, better quality control, and more flexibility.

While we all understand the desire to protect your hard work, we must put security first. Experts are always looking to make cybersecure more convenient for you.


Even if you are not a software engineer, it’s important to understand the differences between open and closed source coding so you can make more informed decisions about what services you use. If you don’t have confidence in how your software runs, you might choose to entrust your online activity to databases you consider better protected. The ability to go through and verify a platform is secured properly goes a long way to assuage your fear.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Understanding what each kind of software development powers your favorite platforms is the first step to making better decisions while you surf the web!